Water Softener Getting Older? 3 Problems You Should Watch For

If you have a water softener installed in your home and the softener is getting older, it may start having problems. Below are three of these problems so you will know what to watch for. You can then either get your water softener repaired or replaced with a new one.

Damage to Rotary Disc

Your water softener has a rotary disc, which rotates inside the water softener when the water is being regenerated. As it rotates, the disc diverts the water to a port that operates the cleaning cycle. As the rotary disc rotates, it creates friction, and eventually the disc will wear away. When this happens, hard water can build up on the dis,c which will cause the disc not to rotate.

If you have this problem, you will notice water dripping from your kitchen and bathroom drains constantly, or you may notice your basement is flooded as water can overflow in the brine tank. In a case like this, a water softener repair professional will need to replace the rotary disc.

Water Softener Clogs

Your water softener can develop clogs over time. These clogs happen due to minerals and salt building up inside the water softener. Once this happens, water will not have as much room to flow through. If your water softener is clogged, this will make your water hard again, just like you did not have a water softener installed. This means you will start seeing spots on your dishes, your hair may not seem clean after washing, your skin may not be soft, and much more.

A professional can remove the minerals and salt buildup to take care of this problem. This is generally an easy fix and will not take a long time.

Water Softener Motor Problems

There is a motor inside the water softener, and over time, the motor can fail. This is especially true once a water softener starts getting older. If you hear a grinding noise or it seems your water softener is not working well, this is a sign the motor is failing.

If you are having this problem, you should consider replacing the water softener with a new one. This is because motor repairs can be expensive, as well as cost you a lot of money to replace the motor.

You can keep your motor running longer by properly maintaining your water softener. This includes cleaning the softener regularly, changing the filters when needed, and emptying the water softener when needed. A professional can teach you how to do these things if you are not sure. This is because how you do then will depend on the type of water softener you have installed.

Talk to the contractor that comes to your home to either repair your water softener or to learn much more about different types of problems, as well as tips on maintenance.
